If an accident occurs in the workplace, the first step you need to take is to find a designated first aider and then ensure the incident is logged in an incident book. You should also make sure that you document the accident thoroughly. You must send an initial report to the supervisors within 24 hours and a follow-up report to the insurance company within 30 days. A written procedure should be followed to prevent future accidents and protect the business from being held responsible for any damage that may be caused.
When an accident occurs, it is important to notify anyone involved, including family members. If someone gets injured on the job, other team members will be forced to pick up the slack. The other employees will also be impacted by the incident, so the company will end up losing productivity and morale. An unsafe workplace can cause a lack of motivation and productivity. So how can you prevent accidents in the workplace? Training in health and safety and first aid is vital. Find out more about First Aid At Work Cheltenham from a site like Tidal Training Direct
If you have employees, it is important to train them in first aid and emergency procedures. You can also hold a safety drill where employees practice first aid and emergency contacts. This way, they can remain calm even in a situation where someone gets hurt or is taken ill. You may want to consider educating these employees to ensure that they know what to do in the event of an accident and in this way, measures to prevent accidents are also instilled.