The sad part of employment, being sacked, can create the most exciting drama’s. They can become very uplifting and inspiring films for people faced with adversity. However, if, like the people in the movie, you feel that a Constructive Dismissal Claim might be in order, look to Employment Law Friend for help. Here are some examples of exciting dismissal scenes in film.

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- Philadelphia. A groundbreaking film starring Denzil Washington, Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas. To deal with the subject of HIV/AIDs, which Tom Hanks is suffering from, his employers want to sack him for no reason other than he is ill. Washington champions his case. Be warned; it is very sad.
- Fight Club. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton star in an influential film for the late ’90s. After being fired from his job, Norton’s character goes on what can only be described as a journey of self-discovery. Pitt’s character hinders and helps in equal amounts.

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- American Beauty. Lester Burnham is a downtrodden, middle-aged crisis-experienced man. His job is terrible, his wife is bored, and his daughter detests him. To make matters worse, he is about to be let go due to his boss’s indiscretions at a Company party. The only way for Lester is up.
Through the films, we can find a small comfort for a while. All of the people in the movie find a way through their problems and generally succeed. So can you.