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Tea Party
In 1774, the South Carolina Gazette reports on the so-called Charleston Tea Party. You’ve heard of the Boston Tea Party, of course. Charleston had one, too!

The Exchange Building where tea was held in 1773. Image credit: George N. Barnard, 1865.

The HMS Britannia carried 7 chests of tea to Charles Town in 1774. Image credit: painting by George Hyde Chambers, 1834

The South Carolina Gazette reported on events relating to the 2nd Charleston Tea Party, published November 21, 1774. Photography: Kyle Brown. All Rights Reserved.
Do You Know!

Charleston’s first "tea party" took place on December 3, 1773, thirteen days before the more famous one in Boston. Charlestonians called a meeting to decide their course of action, and all present agreed not to purchase tea. Instead of dumping it into the harbor, they unloaded the tea and stored it in the Exchange building. Not every colonist accepted this agreement, particularly many merchants, but the colonists now had an established system for dealing with future problems. They established the General Committee to enforce nonimportation agreements and resolutions in the colony. In July 1774 a ship tried to bring tea into Charleston with similar results.
- Charleston Tea Party

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