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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.


Tea Party

In 1774, the South Carolina Gazette reports on the so-called Charleston Tea Party. You’ve heard of the Boston Tea Party, of course. Charleston had one, too!

Do You Know!

Charleston’s first "tea party" took place on December 3, 1773, thirteen days before the more famous one in Boston. Charlestonians called a meeting to decide their course of action, and all present agreed not to purchase tea. Instead of dumping it into the harbor, they unloaded the tea and stored it in the Exchange building. Not every colonist accepted this agreement, particularly many merchants, but the colonists now had an established system for dealing with future problems. They established the General Committee to enforce nonimportation agreements and resolutions in the colony. In July 1774 a ship tried to bring tea into Charleston with similar results.

- Charleston Tea Party

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Does Your Shower Need A Trap?

When you first look at a sink or bathtub drain, you may wonder if there is anything at all to prevent the water from flowing out the other end. The answer is yes, there is actually a grate to cover the outlet of your drain; but how do you know if your shower needs one?

Learn How To Properly Install A Shower P-Traps

Installing a shower p-trap is not difficult at all, but there are some steps you should take before taking your shower. These include removing any older p-traps, installing the pipe and connect it to your existing drain, ensuring that the new install won’t trap water, and finally using a bit of pipe sealant around the top of the new p-trap. It’s important to remember to allow enough time for each step so that you don’t have any issues while in the shower.

How Do I Install A Shower P-Traps?

Installing a shower p-trap can be a daunting task, but it’s one that is essential to the overall health and well-being of your bathroom. Here are some tips on how to do it properly:

1. Have all the necessary materials ready before beginning: This includes a drill, screwdriver, wire cutter, and pliers. You will also need some tile adhesive or mortar, as well as a level.

2. Drill a pilot hole into the ceiling below the shower area where you want the p-trap to go. Use the screwdriver to make sure the hole is large enough for the p-trap pipe to fit through.

3. Cut the pipe to proper length and use the wire cutter to remove any sharp edges. Fit the pipe into the hole in the ceiling and tighten down with pliers.

4. Apply tile adhesive or mortar to both sides of the pipe and position it in place against the wall above and below the shower area. Use bricks, blocks, or other weights to hold it in place until it dries (about 30 minutes).

5. Replace any drywall or insulation that was removed during installation, and then position the wall so that it is level across all four sides. Always use a straight edge when installing tile and stone countertops! Let’s learn how to remove shower handle.

What Should I Know Before Installing A Shower P-Traps?

The most common type of shower p-trap is the soffit-mount p-trap. This type is installed onto the roofline of a house, typically in areas that are prone to water damage. Here are some things you should know before installing a shower p-trap:

1. Make sure the area you’re installing your shower p-trap onto is properly prepared. Remove any existing insulation or drywall, and make sure the surface is level and free from any bumps or obstructions.

2. Choose the right type of p-trap for your installation. There are several types of shower p-traps to choose from, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you’re not sure which type of trap to install, contact a professional contractor.

3. Check your plumbing connections before beginning your installation. Make sure all pipes and fittings are in good condition, and that there’s no leaking or other damage.

4. Always use proper safety precautions when working with pipes and waterlines. Wear gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask if necessary.

Why Install A Shower P-Traps?

Installation of a shower P-trap is an important step in ensuring proper water drainage from your shower. A P-trap is a type of drain that sits in the shower head area and catches any water that spills or leaks from the shower head. The water then flows into the drain below, preventing it from flowing back onto the floor and into the shower. Proper installation of a P-trap is essential for maintaining your home’s plumbing system and keeping your bathroom clean and dry. Here are four reasons you should install a shower P-trap:

1. It Keeps Your Shower Floor Clean and Dry: If water accumulates on the floor of your shower, it can lead to mildew and other problems. A properly installed P-trap will prevent this mess from happening and keep your floor clean and dry.

2. It Prevents Water From Spilling Onto The Floor: A leaky shower can cause water to drip onto the floor below, which can be a messy business. A properly installed P-trap will catch any water that falls from the shower head, preventing it from spilling onto the floor below.

3. It Reduces Flooding: A poorly installed P-trap can cause flooding in your house, which can be incredibly inconvenient. A properly installed P-trap will help keep the water in your shower from leaking outside of your shower.

4. It Can Help You Save Money: If you have problems with leaks in your home, a poorly installed P-trap could be costing you money each month. A properly installed P-trap will remain watertight and prevent any leaks from occurring in the first place.

5. It Can Help Protect Your Flooring: In addition to saving your floor, a properly installed P-trap can help protect it as well. Since the trap only allows water to drain into it and not out of it, every time you use your shower, this part of your plumbing system is actually doing something beneficial. Discover the hot ground reverse.

What are the Benefits of Installing A Shower P-Traps?

Installing a shower p-trap can be a great way to improve your home’s indoor air quality, conserve water, and keep your drains clear. Here are the benefits of installing p-traps:

1. Improves Indoor Air Quality: A shower p-trap helps to trap moisture and particles that can lead to poor indoor air quality. By preventing these contaminants from entering your home, you can improve your health while saving on utility costs.

2. Conserves Water: A properly installed shower p-trap can help you conserve water by catching water before it spills onto the floor. This reduces the amount of water that needs to be used in the bathroom and saves you money on your water bill.

3. Keeps Your Drains Clear: A properly installed shower p-trap can help to keep your drains clear. This prevents clogs and backups, which can lead to inconvenience and damage.

If you are looking for ways to improve your home’s indoor air quality, conserve water, and keep your drains clear, then installing a shower p-trap may be the solution for you.


If you’re like most people, you’ve probably installed a shower p-trap at some point in your life. But did you know there are a few things you should keep in mind when installing them? In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps needed to properly install a shower p-trap, so that your plumbing and drainage stay healthy and functioning for years to come. Thanks for reading!

How To Mix Concrete For A Shower Base

Many people like to add some touches of luxury to their bathrooms by adding a concrete shower base. However, they often don’t realize that it’s quite an involved process and understand the importance of the correct measurements being taken. Read this article on how to mix concrete for your shower, how to purchase and store it, as well as all the steps you’ll need to follow in order to get your project off the ground. Look at the ceiling decorations.

How to Mix Concrete for a Shower Base

Concrete is a versatile material that can be used for a variety of projects, from building foundations to sidewalks. In order to create a sturdy shower base, you’ll need to mix the concrete correctly. Here are four tips for mixing concrete correctly:

1. Use the right ingredients

Make sure that the ingredients you use are of the correct consistency and weight. If the mix is too wet or too dry, it will not form a strong foundation. Additionally, make sure that the aggregate (the small pieces of rock and other earth materials) is of the proper size and type. A coarse aggregate will create a more stable foundation, while a fine aggregate will create a smoother finish.

2. Mix at the correct temperature

Concrete must be mixed at a consistent temperature in order to form a strong foundation. Too cold and the concrete will be too hard; too hot and it will be too soft. The ideal temperature range is 56-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Use the right tools and equipment

You’ll need an adequate mixer, trowel, wheelbarrow, or bucket to mix the concrete properly. Make sure that all of your tools are in good condition and are capable of moving the concrete efficiently.

4. Plan ahead and give it time to cure

Once your concrete has been mixed, it must be allowed to cure for a minimum of 48 hours before actually pouring the foundation. A well-mixed batch will typically take from four to eight hours to complete, so make sure that you have enough time to wait for the concrete to properly set up before moving onto the next step in the process – pouring. Get info about elephant decor.

What is the Cost of a Shower Base?

Whether you are building a new shower or upgrading an existing one, the cost of a shower base can vary drastically. Depending on the materials and labor involved, a basic concrete shower base can cost anywhere from $200 to $2,000. Here are some tips on how to mix concrete for a shower base and save money:

-First, research your options and compare prices. There are many different types of concrete and each has its own unique set of specifications. You’ll need to decide what type of base you want (standing or tub/shower), the size of the finished product, and any special features (e.g. drainage).

-Once you have your cost breakdown, start by calculating the total amount of materials you’ll need. This includes: concrete, rebar, reinforcing steel, sand, gravel, water and mixer.

-Next, figure out how much labor will be required to mix and pour the concrete. This includes breaking down the slab into manageable pieces, mixing the ingredients together in the correct proportions, and getting everything ready for pouring.

-Finally, factor in any extras like caulking or grout. These costs can easily add up if you’re not prepared. Find out germinating seeds in paper towel.

Materials Needed for a Shower Base

The materials needed for a shower base can include concrete, gravel, sand, and water. The size of the shower base will determine the amount of each material that is needed. A standard shower base size is 12 inch by 12 inch.

A concrete mix for a shower base can be purchased at most home improvement stores. The mix should contain enough sand and gravel to make the finished product consistency. Water should also be added to the mix to create a wet mixture. The amount of water will depend on the desired consistency of the finished product.

Once all of the ingredients are mixed together, the concrete should be placed in a form and allowed to set. The concrete should be kept wet while it is curing so that it does not crack or chip. It is important to allow the concrete to cure before using it as a shower base because otherwise water will leak through the cracks and rot the foundation of the shower. Discover diy concrete pool.

How to Keep the Slurry from Draining Out

If you’re using a concrete batch mixer to make your shower base, it’s important to keep the slurry from draining out. Here’s how:

1. Make sure your mixer is well-oiled and in good working order. Old mixers can struggle to mix dry ingredients together, which can lead to drainage problems.

2. Add the dry ingredients first, followed by the wet ingredients. Do not overmix the concrete; you want it to be just smooth enough so that the mortar will stick.

3. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the top of the mixture and put the mixer on low speed. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes so that the concrete can start to set.

4. Use a trowel or a hoe to form the mixture into an even layer about 4 inches thick. Smooth out any bumps or irregularities with your hand.

5. Cover the top of the mixture with another piece of plastic wrap and let it sit for another 30 minutes so that it can harden.

The Top Mistakes with Casting A Concrete Base

If you’re looking to build a concrete shower base, there are a few things you’ll want to avoid. Here are the top mistakes people make when casting a concrete base:

1. Not using the right mix – A poor mixture will result in a brittle concrete that’s difficult to work with. Make sure you use a ready-mixed concrete that’s specifically designed for this purpose.

2. Not using the correct tools – Don’t try to do this project with your hands alone. You’ll need a wheelbarrow, trowel, and pavers.

3. Not prepping the surface – Make sure the surface is completely clean and free of any oils or grease before starting your project. This will help prevent sticking and ensure a smooth finish.


If you’re thinking of building a shower base from concrete, there are a few things you’ll need to know. In this article, we’ll teach you how to mix and pour the concrete, as well as give you some tips on how to make the most of your new shower base. So get ready to start constructing your own dream shower!

What’s So Special About Death Note Season 2?

Death Note is one of the most popular anime series to date. The show follows Light, a high school student who finds and uses a death note – a notebook with the power to kill anyone whose name is written in it – which gives him the ability to change people’s lives. Season 2 picks up where season 1 left off, and while many fans are eagerly waiting for the third installment, they are still asking: What makes Death Note so special?

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Sword Art Online Season 5: Everything You Need To Know

The 5th season of the anime known as Sword Art Online is finally coming to an end! In this blog post, I have compiled everything you need to know about the 5th season. From what each episode will focus on, to what characters might participate in this season, I have listed all the information right here!

Thoughts on Sword Art Online Season 5

Sword Art Online Season 5 is finally here, and with it comes all the excitement of the final battle between Kirito and Asuna. But before you get too invested in the Moana 2, there are a few things you need to know. Here are 10 tips for watching Sword Art Online Season 5.

1. Watch the first two episodes before watching any more. Episode 1 introduces the characters and sets up the story, while Episode 2 provides some key backstory. If you want to understand everything that’s going on, you need to watch both episodes.
2. Don’t worry about spoilers. Sword Art Online Season 5 is a continuous story, so even if you don’t watch all the episodes, you’ll still be able to follow along.
3. The fight scenes are intense. If blood and gore aren’t your thing, beware: these scenes will definitely make your heart race.
4. You don’t need to have seen Sword Art Online to enjoy this season. If you haven’t watched it yet, there’s no harm in starting from the beginning and catching up later.
5. This is not a kids’ show. While there are moments that may be suitable for younger viewers (e.g., Asuna and K irito playing games together), there is violence, intense scenes and more like Taboo season 2.

What are the Storylines in Sword Art Online Season 5

Sword Art Online Season 5 is set to release in early 2018 and will be the final season of the anime. There have been a lot of rumors and speculation about what will happen in the season, so we are here to clear up any confusion!

Here is everything you need to know about Sword Art Online Season 5 storylines:

1. The Alicization Arc – This is the main storyline of the season and it focuses on Kirito and Asuna’s battle against ALO’s four bosses.
2. The Mother’s Rosario Arc – This arc focuses on Leafa’s journey to find her mother, who was kidnapped by the Knights of the Blood quantum computer.
3. The Dark Elf Arc – This arc follows Sinon as she helps Eugeo become a full-fledged swordsman in order to stop the Dark Elves from conquering Aincrad.
4. The White Flag Arc – This arc follows Klein as he team up with other players to take down Ouroboros.
5. The World End Arc – This arc follows all of SAO’s players as they fight against Kirito and other top players in an attempt to save the world from being deleted.

Key Characters in Sword Art Online Season 5

Sword Art Online Season 5 takes place in the year 2022 and follows the story of Kengan ashura season 3 and his companions as they fight to escape from Aincrad and escape into the real world.

In Sword Art Online Season 5, Kirito is joined by Sinon, Leafa, Silica, Klein, Asuna, and Agil. The new character is a mysterious female swordsman named Philia. Here are all of the key characters in Sword Art Online Season 5:

Kirito – The protagonist of Sword Art Online and one of its most popular characters. Kirito is a skilled player who has been trapped in Aincrad for over two years. He is joined by Sinon, Leafa, Silica, Klein, Asuna, and Agil in Season 5.

Sinon – One of Kirito’s friends from SAO who helps him fight in the game. Sinon is a skilled sniper who uses firearms and explosives. She is also an expert with melee weapons.

Leafa – One of Kirito’s friends from SAO who helps him fight in the game. Leafa is a support character who uses swords and magic spells to help her allies.

What does the full story of Sword Art Online Seasons 5 and 6 bring?

In Sword Art Online, Season 5 and 6, the story follows Kirito and his friends as they journey to the new world of Aincrad, in a last ditch effort to save everyone from the game’s final boss such as Kengan ashura season 3.

The game starts with Kirito and his friends arriving in Aincrad after escaping from the death game, Sword Art Online. They find themselves in a city that is completely different than the one they left behind. The city is full of deadly traps and enemies that want to kill them.

Kirito and his friends must work together to find information about the game’s final boss and stop her from destroying the world. In addition to the main story, there are side stories that follow different characters in Aincrad. These side stories like Black clover season 2 can be completed in any order you want, but they are all important for understanding the game’s overall plot.

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How to keep cool in a heatwave

This year we have seen unprecedented temperatures. With global warming, meaning that the average temperature has risen by 1 degree, it is no wonder that people are looking for ways to keep themselves cool in their homes and office buildings. One such solution is the use of Brise Soleil like the ones from alusystems.uk. These help to prevent the sunlight from directly entering a building and can therefore keep the internal space cool.

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