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Tea Party
In 1774, the South Carolina Gazette reports on the so-called Charleston Tea Party. You’ve heard of the Boston Tea Party, of course. Charleston had one, too!

The Exchange Building where tea was held in 1773. Image credit: George N. Barnard, 1865.

The HMS Britannia carried 7 chests of tea to Charles Town in 1774. Image credit: painting by George Hyde Chambers, 1834

The South Carolina Gazette reported on events relating to the 2nd Charleston Tea Party, published November 21, 1774. Photography: Kyle Brown. All Rights Reserved.
Do You Know!

Charleston’s first "tea party" took place on December 3, 1773, thirteen days before the more famous one in Boston. Charlestonians called a meeting to decide their course of action, and all present agreed not to purchase tea. Instead of dumping it into the harbor, they unloaded the tea and stored it in the Exchange building. Not every colonist accepted this agreement, particularly many merchants, but the colonists now had an established system for dealing with future problems. They established the General Committee to enforce nonimportation agreements and resolutions in the colony. In July 1774 a ship tried to bring tea into Charleston with similar results.
- Charleston Tea Party

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How to Deal With Accidents in the Workplace
If an accident occurs in the workplace, the first step you need to take is to find a designated first aider and then ensure the incident is logged in an incident book. You should also make sure that you document the accident thoroughly. You must send an initial report to the supervisors within 24 hours and a follow-up report to the insurance company within 30 days. A written procedure should be followed to prevent future accidents and protect the business from being held responsible for any damage that may be caused.
Why do HVAC units need coated copper pipes?
Despite the development of plastic and fibreglass piping there are many applications when only metal can safely do the job. HVAC installations rely extensively on copper piping for both water and gas transportation. Copper piping has numerous advantages in air conditioning systems, not least safety but also because it is strong, easily soldered, long lasting, resistant to corrosion, economical and possesses excellent thermal conductivity. Having said that, copper on its own is not always sufficient so copper piping is also available with coatings.
How To Assemble A Bicycle Wheel?
If you’ve never assembled a bicycle wheel, the process may seem complicated. But it is pretty straightforward. All you need is an Allen wrench and two locking pliers to get the job done. This guide will help you assemble a bike wheel in no time.
Is it easy to build a bike wheel?
Whether you’re a professional bike builder or are interested in building your own. We presents this easy-to-follow guide that will help anyone assemble a wheel without getting their hands all dirty. You can use our step-by-step instructions for many other projects as well – like paddleboards, garden furniture, and even children’s toys. You can check out the best mountain bikes under 500.
Steps To Assemble A Bicycle Wheel
The hard part of building a bike wheel is choosing the right materials. The instructions in our guide will help you choose the right hardware.
Step 1: Tools needed
All you need is an Allen wrench, pair of locking pliers, and a drop of dish soap. Here’s how to get started:
The tension tool will help as you manage the cables on the derailleurs – this will make sure your wheel doesn’t wobble around once mounted in the frame. 2-Jaw Pliers – Remove any screw heads or nuts from parts before assembly 3-Inch Pipe Wrench with Slotted End or 3-Inch Spring Compressor Tool – These tools will help you compress the spokes into place and get a tight fit to make sure none of them fall out. Start by pushing in all the spokes a little at once while gently feeding your wheel on edge so it doesn’t bend under load. There’s even an adjusting tool included that can fine-tune when key wires need tightening or loosening, depending upon which bike frame you’ve assembled with ( if you’re building a bike of your own, adjust them where it is most convenient for that particular frame).
Step 2: Preparation
Assembling a bike wheel can be tricky. There are lots of moving parts and the right combination of spokes will make sure they stay in place firm enough to prevent wobbling while riding – mostly because riders careen through potholes, misjudge turns and swerve on slippery roads (or double up to thread a little back road through the mountains).
String cutters, pliers, and a star nut wrench is all you need to tighten parts in place. If there’s grease on your wheels or bike’s frame, then squeeze together with oil for a cleaner installation.
Step 3: Check the Hub and Spokes
Check to make sure it’s airtight with the seals clamping against the axle – there should be no resistance whatsoever when trying to twist or pull on them. Assemble your hub, adding a piece of tape around where it snaps into place so you don’t damage your ball bearings (never overtighten though). Check that everything is tight again and check plastic tabs in position as they will lock down once tightened properly.
Step 4: Check the rim
When tightening spokes onto rims, you want to make sure they are equally tensioned in the same direction so that it won’t take away from their strength. If there’s any wobbling on the wheels then loosen a spoke or two until its comfortable for riding no matter which way your spin it around – because once set up correctly, this defines how tight your wheels roll with cycling tires and how fast you can go without compromising stability (80% of the time you won’t need to take it apart again). You can snug the spokes, and make them smaller if anywhere needs some extra tightening. A tight wheel will also hold a tire in place and not shake while riding with gears – even when doing unpaved bike paths.
Step 5: Fixing Bike Bumps / Hanging Wrenches in Spoke Hole
If there’s any swerving as your ride along then loosens one or two spokes to reduce wobble while stopping. Also, you’ll want to make sure that wrenches are secure inside your spoke holes; when tightening or loosening with a screwdriver there should be no movement whatsoever – and this means in the very center of each hole (between one-third & two-thirds). If alignment is off, then take out some of the slack from the spokes so they match up on both sides.
If clothespins appear on the old tube, wipe them off before using this method to make sure you don’t snag your bike’s wheels.
Considering that spoke replacement is very easy and costs just a few dollars each, it’d be stupid not to do so twice at a minimum if one of these flies out! By replacing rear-side spokes (which have drastically lower material strength compared to middle ones), it’s possible to extend their use by up to 6 weeks or even more.
Step 6: Tighten It
Even if there’s a small gap between the rim and wheel, tighten all spokes. Don’t use too much force – just enough to have your tire pull free from the rim (do this on its own then check for wobble). Once tightened up proper & locked in place shape those wheels back! You would probably argue that you didn’t need to take them apart again because now they’re aligned; incorrect assumption indeed! If they were centered before doing this, then you’ll be moving them out of alignment by tightening (acting as a lever) – resulting in a minor wobble that’s unsightly, to begin with.
Finial step
Once tightened, make sure that your wheels are perfectly parallel to each other again. Loose-spoke tension will shift wheel alignment. Decide if you want a tighter or looser spin by measuring rim diameter in multiple places at both ends of a spoke.
The wheel is the most essential part of a bicycle. It can’t be replaced, but it’s not as difficult to assemble as you might think. Assembling a bicycle wheel is not an easy task, especially for beginners. If you are new to the process, here are some tips that will help you assemble your bike wheel properly.
What is a hybrid bike good for?
A hybrid bike is a great choice for someone who wants to be able to ride both on and off-road. The frame is light with a sloping top tube that makes it easier to mount and dismount, but there are also thicker tires that can withstand rougher terrain. With the wide range of gears available on most hybrids, you will have no problem tackling hills as well as flat terrain. If you’re looking for a bike that can handle anything from gravel paths to mountain trails, these best hardtail mountain bike under 1000 might just be your perfect match!
What is a hybrid bike?
A hybrid bike is a type of bicycle that combines features of both road bikes and mountain bikes. The frame is light and has a sloping top tube that makes it easier to mount and dismount, but the tires are thicker and can withstand rougher terrain. Hybrid bikes also have a wide range of gears available, which makes them perfect for tackling hills as well as flat terrain.
Hybrid bikes are perfect for trails. The tires are wide enough to roll over rough ground, yet thinner than mountain bike tires, so they don’t get stuck in ruts or bog down in the mud. You will also have the advantage of being able to dismount and walk your bike over, particularly tough obstacles if you need to.
What is a hybrid bike good for?
A hybrid bike is a great choice for someone who wants to be able to ride both on and off-road. The frame is light with a sloping top tube that makes it easier to mount and dismount, but there are also thicker tires that can withstand rougher terrain. With the wide range of gears available on most hybrids, you will have no problem tackling hills as well as flat terrain.
Perfect for commuting, especially if you’re not particularly fit and don’t want to be hunched over your handlebars. Plus, it usually comes with mudguards to keep you dry and a rack on the back that you can attach panniers to – perfect for carrying groceries or other items around town.
The versatile frame that’s a good fit for a range of people
If you’re looking for a bike that can handle anything from gravel paths to mountain trails, these best hardtail mountain bike under 1000 might just be your perfect match!
Riding position
You sit high up on the bike and have full control over steering. The upright riding position makes it easier to keep your balance. The most common type of bike riding position has the pedals directly underneath the bottom bracket. This is great for cruising on flat surfaces but can be uncomfortable if you’re cycling over bumps or things that block your path. The more upright you sit, the easier it will be to see what’s in front of you and the more control you’ll have over your bike.
Types of hybrid bikes
Hybrids can be divided into four categories:
Rugged hybrids – A cross between a mountain bike and a road bike Road hybrids – a cross between a road bike and a city bike.
Cross hybrids – Also called “adventure” bikes, suitable for commuting as well as off-road riding.
City hybrids – Designed for comfort and easy navigation in urban areas.
Choosing the right hybrid bike
When choosing a hybrid bike, it’s important to consider what you’ll be using it for. Let’s discover more:
Hybrids typically come with a wide range of gears to tackle different types of terrain, so make sure you choose one that has the gears you need. If you are mostly riding on roads and in urban areas, then a hybrid with fewer gears will do. But if you want to be able to ride off-road as well, then choose one with more gears.
Wheels and tires
The biggest difference between road and hybrid bikes is that hybrids have thicker tires than typical road bikes. There will be a wider range of tire widths available, but the most common are 32mm to 42mm wide. Tires on mountain bikes tend to be even wider, so if you want to cycle over rougher terrain, you may want to choose a hybrid with tires that are at least 50mm wide.
Frame and handlebars
Hybrids also tend to be more upright than road bikes, but the riding position is still lower than mountain bikes. The seat will usually be suspended and allow some give when you’re cycling over bumpy terrain. The frame is also designed to be more durable than a road bike frame and can withstand some bumps and scratches.
Many hybrids come with fenders to keep you dry when it’s raining or snowing. They’re also great for cyclists who don’t want to get their clothes dirty when they’re cycling to work or the shops.
Hybrids may come with front or rear suspensions, but they’re not designed to withstand the same shock that mountain bikes can. And although they’re great for beginners, you should eventually look at getting a hardtail mountain bike if you intend to ride off-road frequently.
Brake type
Hybrids often have one fixed gear, which means they only have one brake. This is great for speedy descents, but you might benefit from having two brakes if you want to cycle up steep hills or over rough terrain.
Racks and mudguards
Most hybrids come with a rear rack that’s perfect for carrying your panniers around. Also, most hybrids come with mudguards to keep you dry and clean when cycling in wet conditions.
A hybrid bike is a perfect fit for someone that wants to commute around town but also has some off-road adventures planned in the future. The best part about owning one of these bikes is there are so many different brands and styles available on the market today. This makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for at your local bike shop or online retailer! If you want to get started riding right away without having to spend too much money upfront, then be sure to check out our wide range of used hybrids here. You can save up to 75% on an amazing quality hybrid bicycle by shopping with us first! Who knows?
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How to maintain your garage door
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Style Ideas For a Night at the Casino
A night at the casino is always a fun occasion. Whether you’re going with your date or a group of your friends, you can be sure you’ll have a good time. One of the experiences that we sadly miss out on sometimes, though, is getting properly dressed up for it. The casino is one of the few places where you can dress to the nines and not look out of place. In pop culture, casinos have often been portrayed as elegant places for elegant people, think James Bond or Ocean’s Eleven for example. So, the next time you plan an evening at the casino, why not dress up a little fancy for it?
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How to make a Note Block in Minecraft?
Music is a way of combining harmonies, rhythm, melodies, and even silences to create a perfectly proportioned composition of sounds. We all love music! And mainly what we can express through it, music makes us live again and again a section of our lives, this can be good and sometimes not so much. The most interesting thing about music lies in its composition, you must have knowledge of the musical language (which is not very simple), but in some cases, you should not be a scholar in musical language or know all musical instruments to be able to create basic melodies. In the World of Minecraft, an object with which we can interact and create some musical notes is within our reach. How to make a Note Block in Minecraft? It is not very difficult, here we can tell you how! Keep reading this installment and find out.