Some people may think ground squirrels are cute and fun to watch every now and then, but they can also be an extreme threat to your home and garden. Squirrels feed on almost anything, including pet food, flowers, nuts and birdseed. They can also chew on your ceiling and enter the loft or fireplace. If you have a problem with ground squirrels, poison is a way to get rid of them.
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ToggleBuild a fence that is deep enough and tall enough to keep ground squirrels out of your garden or lawn. Measure the area you want to fence, whether it’s your entire lawn or just a small garden section, with a measuring tape.
Buy the measured amount of fencing and make sure it is a very small mesh, such as hardware cloth. Make sure the fence measurements allow you to be buried underground, with at least 2 or 3 feet above the ground at least 12 inches.
Dig a narrow trench with a gardening hand shovel at the exact desired spot on the fence to sit on. After the border is excavated, set up the fencing measurement in the trench and proceed to tightly pack hard clay, dirt and small stones around the edges of the fencing.
Connect the two edges of the fencing with a soldering iron by welding the fence every 2 inches along the separate edges to connect them. Alternatively, you could also connect the fence with an array of fencing clips and hooks which are available at all hardware stores.
Purchase from your local hardware or pest control. The main ingredients in these repellents include black and white pepper, cayenne pepper and chilies. Squirrels don’t like the heat of these ingredients, so if you don’t want to buy an insect repellent, create one of your own by combining equal parts white, black, cayenne and chili peppers. The amount of the mixture will depend on how many places you want to place the repellent around your house. When the homemade repellent spread, spread it thickly over the area.
Use a ground squirrel repellent that is based on urine and odors from predators. For example FoxPee. These are best for buying in a store if you want to use them. Sprinkle and spray these repellents around the areas you want to protect. Ground squirrels will smell the urine of a feared predator and decide not to go to that area more quickly enough.
Rub a thick gel or cream that is formulated as a bitter taste on objects that you don’t want the ground squirrels to chew on. Sometimes the only problem is people with ground squirrels are that they gnaw on objects such as the bottom of bridges, trees and fences. These gels are specially made to be put on things that squirrels put in their mouths.
Step 1
Buy rat poison at your local hardware store or home improvement store.
Step 2
Walk around the house and yard to determine which sites are attracting squirrels, for example, your dog’s food bowl or a particular spot on the roof.
Step 3
Fill a small container with a generous amount of poison. Place the container in an area away from children and pets.
Step 4
Leave the poison overnight. Check the areas around the poison and your home for dead squirrels.
Step 5
Use gloves and a shovel to put the dead bodies in a garbage bag for later disposal.
Squirrels are rodents that live worldwide, except Australia. Squirrels can wreck your yard by stealing food from your bird feeders, digging in the ground, and scaring other wildlife. If you want ground squirrels in your yard to go to better places, you need to get rid of their food source and know what scares them. Once you’ve put in a few squirrel deterrents, you can kick them out.
Step 1
Feeders that are not feeders should be placed out of reach. For example, instead of hanging a bird feeder from a tree branch, hang it from a metal staff, as they will not be able to climb the thin metal pole. Additionally, don’t throw food on the ground for the birds in your garden because squirrels will take it.
Step 2
Apply a natural squirrel deterrent to areas frequented by these animals. Create a squirrel deterrent from hot peppers and odorless wax. Melt the wax in a bowl. Puree the chili in a blender. Mix the two ingredients and spread them around the sites squirrels frequently. Reapply once a month and after heavy rains.
Step 3
Place a statue of an owl in your yard near the area squirrels frequent. The owl is a natural squirrel predator, so this should keep some of the scariest ground squirrels out of your yard.
Step 4
Make noise. Place loud wind chimes on trees where squirrels climb. Make your own wind chime by placing pebbles in a can. Attach a piece of string to the can and tie it to a tree branch. If you place this noise generator on a branch that the ground squirrel frequents when it jumps on the branch, the noise will catch it off guard.