If this is your first time using self-storage, you’ll want to make sure you are not wasting your money, and take advantage of this extra space to the best of your ability. Self-storage is great for when you are moving house, renovating your house, or simply in need of some extra space for large items you can’t fit in your home. I will help you by sharing the five top tips for your first time using self-storage.

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- Judge how much space you actually need. There are estimation calculators online that can help you. It is really important that you pick a space big enough for what you need so you don’t regret having spent your money on a small space that only fits two of your twenty big items!
- Organise in advance how you will transport your stuff to the self-storage unit. Ask yourself whether you could fit everything in your car, and if not, perhaps you will need to hire a van or a lorry. Be prepared and look at this early on, before your moving day.

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- Check what your local self-storage facility can help you with. (For Self Storage Kendal, check out Andrew Porter.) They may be able to help with unpacking, or they could provide you with packing materials such as boxes and bubble wrap.
- Make an inventory of what you will put in the unit and keep it. Having a list of everything you will keep in the self-storage will make sure you don’t forget any items, or so you are aware if one goes missing.
- Label all of your boxes and pack efficiently. Make sure to put larger items at the back of the self-storage unit, and the heavier items at the bottom of the boxes. Labelling everything will prevent hours of searching for something you need.