With natural gas prices rising, and set to rise even further, the emphasis this winter should be trying to keep the heat in the home. Instead of having the boiler on all day getting the hot water to the radiators if you want to save money then look at the alternatives. Here are the things that you need in place to ensure that you maximise the heat that your system provides.

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- Only heat one room in the house. If you are a small family, couple or live alone a great way to save money is to focus on just one room being heated. Ideally this needs to be one that has an internal door so it can be closed to trap the heat in.
- Double Glazing. If you still have single pane glass in your windows, change them now. The amount of heat that escapes via windows is obscene. Just a simple set of double glazing will retain the heat.

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- Downlight Covers. Make sure that your light bulbs have a downlight cover in the ceiling so that none of the heat from the light is lost up into the roof or that there is a draught. Try Thermahood Direct for this.
- Cavity Wall insulation. Fill in that brickwork so that the house is completely snug and secure from cold winds.
- Have a boiler service every year. You need to make sure that the boiler is working to its most efficient temperature.
You’ll soon see that Gas bill comes down, or at least does not rise too much.