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I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.


Tea Party

In 1774, the South Carolina Gazette reports on the so-called Charleston Tea Party. You’ve heard of the Boston Tea Party, of course. Charleston had one, too!

Do You Know!

Charleston’s first "tea party" took place on December 3, 1773, thirteen days before the more famous one in Boston. Charlestonians called a meeting to decide their course of action, and all present agreed not to purchase tea. Instead of dumping it into the harbor, they unloaded the tea and stored it in the Exchange building. Not every colonist accepted this agreement, particularly many merchants, but the colonists now had an established system for dealing with future problems. They established the General Committee to enforce nonimportation agreements and resolutions in the colony. In July 1774 a ship tried to bring tea into Charleston with similar results.

- Charleston Tea Party

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5 decoration ideas for bathroom walls

In the world of interior design, the mistake is sometimes made of seeing the bathroom as a solely functional space, without taking into account that this room can have an attractive decoration at the level of the rest of the rooms in the house.

What to Buy a Woman For Valentines Day – Make This Holiday Special

Valentine’s Day is a very special day for lovers to show their affection towards one another and the woman they love. It is a day where you can show your woman how much she means to you in your life by giving her gifts on this day. There are several things you can choose from when trying to decide what to get the woman in your life. You should consider several things before you even start shopping and you will find that most of the things you will be buying her are actually pretty much the same gifts you would have given to her on any other day.

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The most popular gifts you will find on valentine’s day are flowers, chocolate and lingerie. These are the usual gifts that you will find people giving to women, but you should now realise that you don’t have to limit yourself just to these kinds of gifts. In fact, it may not hurt to surprise your woman with something that she might not normally expect. There is a huge range of gifts you can buy a woman on valentines day, including perfume, jewelry, or even books. There is no limit to what you can get for them that will show them what they mean to you.

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If you are looking for a great gift for the woman you love then consider getting her an all in one romantic package. You can buy her tickets to a movie, dinner, a show or even a massage. Or why not plan a nice holiday and get her Womens Aran Sweaters to take with her so you can wrap up and enjoy a nice romantic walk along the beach  or a meal out in the evening.

The Top Signs You Watch Too Much TV

Watching too much television can have a negative impact. As increasingly people want to know how to watch their weight, how often do they really make the effort to monitor how much television they are watching?

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One of the most obvious signs you watch too much TV is when you are simply not moving enough and spend most of the time either watching TV or playing games on a console or your phone. Whether you are travelling in a car, taking public transport, flying, sitting in an airplane, or even sitting at a desk at work, you must think about getting up and moving around at least once every 30 minutes. Sitting around and watching nothing but the latest and greatest television shows is definitely not a healthy way to spend your time either if it becomes excessive. There is, however, nothing wrong with relaxing in front of the TV to catch up on your favourite shows after a day of work, school or exercise. If you need help with TV Aerial repair Gloucester, visit http://steveunettaerials.co.uk/

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The average person watches approximately two hours of television per day, if that. This leaves a lot of time for you to be doing other activities that do not involve actually sitting down to watch television. If you are spending your time doing activities that don’t involve spending any time in front of the TV, you are going to be much better off physically for it.  As with all good things, everything in moderation!


How Do You Clean Engineered Wood Flooring?

Engineered wood floors are among the most expensive types of wooden floors that you can invest on. Its multi-layered structure gives it excellent stability and strength which are able to withstand high levels of physical stress. But like any other hardwood flooring, it also requires some care to maintain it working smoothly and looking as great as it did on the day it was installed. If you care for your engineered hardwood floor correctly, you will be able to enjoy its benefits for many years to come.Engineered Wood Flooring can be found from places such as https://www.irwintiles.ie/wooden-flooring/engineered-wood-flooring if you are interested in having this type of flooring installed.

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One way of cleaning your engineered wood floor is to use a shop vacuum cleaner with attached suction wand or a shop brush. This method will not damage your floor and will also ensure that you get rid of any dust particles that might have collected inside your machine during the cleaning process. The brush will also help to remove stains on your floor. If your floor is installed in your kitchen, your chef will need to vacuum it quite often because grease and food particles are likely to accumulate in the trap liners of this type of flooring.

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When doing the vacuuming procedure, make sure that you do not apply too much pressure on the floor to clear the dust and dirt. You can use a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean the upper layer of the floor while the wand will work on the lower layer. The final step is to clean the remaining dirt using a wet mop or a dust pan.

Reasons to Have a Professional Bookkeeper Take Care of Your Financial Records

There are many good reasons to have a professional bookkeeper take care of your financial records. One of the main reasons is because business finances must be recorded by the most professional bookkeeper who will in turn keep a complete and accurate accounting of all transactions. This also makes it easier for you to have your taxes done, because the bookkeeper will make sure that the right calculations are made and the right amounts are reported at the end of the year. This can also minimise the chances of errors when filing your taxes as you will always know exactly what you need to pay. For Bookkeeping Chippenham, visit https://chippendaleandclark.com/services/bookkeeping/

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Another reason to have a bookkeeper do your financial record keeping is because of the sheer time involved in doing the bookkeeping. Bookkeepers have their own office space; they can work anytime during the day or night, and they are paid an hourly wage. Bookkeepers are also very knowledgeable about what is going on with the company, so they can help their clients by letting them know if something has happened to their company that would affect its financial records. Bookkeepers are also very organized and use software to help them keep track of their transactions, thereby increasing their profit and lowering their cost of doing business.

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In conclusion, there are many good reasons to have a professional bookkeeper to take care of your financial records. If you don’t already have one, then it is definitely time to get one. It is recommended that you interview several bookkeepers before you make your decision. This way, you will have more than one option, and you will get to hear all the pros and cons of each bookkeeping option.

The Importance of Sex and Relationship Education

The importance of sex and relationship education in today’s society is often brushed aside by our young people. Some people might say that this isn’t an issue, but it does highlight the need for us as a society to talk more about sex and why it is so important. We must teach our children from a young age, the responsibilities involved in being in a relationship and how to respect the rights and the needs of others and take care of sexual health.

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There is no reason for our children to grow up without knowing these important topics. Sexual education will help curb the rate of sexually transmitted diseases in our communities and cities. The best way to protect ourselves and our children from this risk is to increase awareness and help make the subject less taboo.

This is a subject that many find embarrassing to talk about, especially for the older generation. However, with the rates of STD’s rising in all adult age groups, it really is a subject that we can no longer brush under the carpet.

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The topic of sexual health, relationships and safe sex needs to come from teachers, health professionals and parents and young people need ot be made to feel that they can ask any questions that they might have as well as having somewhere safe to go if they have a concern. This is where a Home StI Kits London company such as https://www.checkurself.org.uk/order-a-test-kit/ can help as the tests can be carried out at home and the results sent back via email or text.

Facts about the metal Steel

A low-carbon alloy usually made of iron, tin, and carbon is steel. It is one of the most common metals in fabrication shops, with its ability to withstand corrosion (thanks to the inorganic compound chromium oxide), heat, and pressure. It makes it a great metal to be shaped using Euromac Bending Machines like the ones you can see from https://www.cotswold-machinery-sales.co.uk/euromac/horizontal-bending-machines/digibend-tooling/

Here are some interesting facts about Steel that you may not have heard of.

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Every year in North America, nearly 69 percent of steel is recycled, which is more than paper, aluminium, plastic, and glass combined and amounts to more than 80 million tonnes of steel.

Steel in its purest form is about 1,000 times stronger than iron, and it can be recycled without loss of strength.

The key material used in the distribution of renewable energy such as solar, hydro, and wind power is steel.

The steel industry has an annual turnover of $900 billion, making it the world’s second largest industry, after oil and gas.

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In almost every industry, steel is used, including electricity, building and housing, automotive and transport, infrastructure, packaging, and machinery.

Steel roofs last more than 50 years, while conventional roofs last 17 years or so.

Steel constitutes 75 percent of all large appliances.

The Eiffel Tower (1887), since steel and iron expand when heated, is around 6 inches taller in the summer than in the winter.

In 1918, the first steel-made car was produced. Since then, due to their consistent ability to withstand high-impact collisions, steel seatbelts have been required.

The Advantages of Oak Cladding

If you want to build a new home and make it stand out from the crowd, you might consider using Oak Cladding for your construction project. Whether you are looking to construct a new home or remodel an old one, using Oak Cladding, like that from https://www.timberpride.co.uk/oak-products/cladding/, in your home design can add a touch of class and beauty that will definitely make your home unique. As more people become aware of the benefits of Oak Cladding, they are using the panels to make them truly stand out from the crowd. In fact, the method is fast becoming recognised as the preferred construction material for both new and old construction projects because of its unmatched durability, beautiful appearance, and affordable price tag.

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Many companies now offer a wide selection of oak cladding materials including: profiled cladding, solid, hand crafted, factory made, flat roof panel, and many more. Profiled cladding is a division of Oak Cladding and is very durable and easy to install. Solid has a classic look and is also very durable. All the oak logs that are used in profiled cladding are individually inspected for quality and the entire log is double checked for size before they are painted and sold.

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In the construction industry, green oak is used extensively because it is the most affordable type of hardwood available today. Not only is it the most cost effective, it is also very durable and very long lasting. Green oak timber cladding panels can be used for both interior and exterior construction projects.

What is the film ‘the Accountant’ about?

‘The Accountant’ is a Hollywood action film which was released in 2016. The main actor of the film is Ben Affleck. The movie is about a man with high- functioning autism who is a certified accountant. One can find certified accountants at accountants Tewkesbury companies such as Randall Payne.

The main character Christian Wolff, known as ‘the Accountant,’ earns his living by sorting out the finances of criminals and terrorist organisations around the world. His clients usually experience internal embezzlement.

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In the film, Christian is abandoned by his mother at a young age as she cannot cope with his behaviour and is overwhelmed. Consequently, this leads to Christian’s father teaching him and his brother martial arts, so they are not exploited. Christian’s father had denied him a chance to stay in an environment that is better for his sensory processing disorder when he was first diagnosed with autism.

The movie then goes back to the present, Christopher works as a forensic accountant from a small office. He exposes insider financial discrepancies. ‘The Accountant’ is then hired by a company’s founder and CEO to audit the company after some discrepancies are found. The company’s CFO was forced to commit suicide by some hitmen and the CEO claimed that the CFO killed himself from guilt from the embezzlement.

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After assassins fail to kill Christopher, it is shown that the company CEO’s sister is the next target. Christopher saves her before taking her to his storage unit. Christopher than finds out that the CEO was the culprit behind the embezzlement.

Important Things to Consider When Choosing Reception Chairs For Your Office

Reception spaces need to be warm and welcoming and having somewhere to sit should be high on the priority list. When shopping for your reception chairs, like the ones you can see at https://www.bestbuy-officechairs.co.uk/reception-chairs/ there are several things that you need to keep in mind.

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First, you have to choose a chair that fits into the space that you have available, whilst leaving room for people to walk safely around it and to have a coffee table in front of it, if you wish. It is imperative to make sure that the chairs you choose to have ample room for the visitors who will be using it and those who will be attending your events and office spaces. Reception chairs are designed to fit more than one person and are a little like sofas.

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Reception chairs should be easy to move around. It’s a good idea to ask the company you are buying them off such as the one mentioned above about the kind of covers that the chairs have so you can get one that is easy to slip on and off, or one that is made of durable material so that you can easily clean it. These types of chairs are usually not bought for its looks but with such a vast selection available you are bound to find something that is stylish and comfortable for your visitors.  There should also be plenty of cushion in the chair to allow for longevity of use as it is often the cushions in the seat area of the chairs that wear away first.

Mahatma Gandhi

Be the change that
you wish to
see in the world.